News about Flamenco in Barcelona

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What is a flamenco show?

The etymological definition of “spectacle” could differ from what we, from the Tablao de Carmen, consider to be the essence of Flamenco as a manifestation of musical artistry and as a culture.  The word “spectacle” comes from the Latin “spectare”, which means “to see” and “to contemplate”. Furthermore, according to the Spanish Royal Academy, the […]


Flamenco is a live, musical, oral, gestural and social art. When the word “flamenco” is used today, it evokes a dance, the playing of a flamenco guitar, the rhythm of clapping palms and the cry of flamenco voices. Flamenco is a whole musical and expressive universe unequivocally associated with the territory of Southern Spain. There […]



Let’s share an interesting anecdote that happened to Mimo, responsible for the Tablao de Carmen, with some foreign clients who came to the tablao to see the show after making a reservation through their hotel concierge. The artists began with a flamenco “jaleo. When the customers arrived at the table, two seated singers and three […]


AS IF FLAMENCO WERE THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERED, ONE NIGHT IN MARCH OF 2020… On the afternoon of Thursday March 12th, the Tablao de Carmen opened its doors as it had every night without interruption since November of 1988. Clients entered to dine and enjoy the flamenco on a night that we will never […]


The festive season of 2020 will be very different from the rest. A strange and difficult year is coming to an end, one in which the pandemic has (and continues to) impose distance and separation and one that has affected many of us on an emotional and financial level. This historic christian event, which flamencos experience and celebrate […]

Flamenco Fights Back: El Tablao de Carmen and Flamenco Artists During the Pandemic

  On March 13th, eight months ago, the “tablao” closed its doors due to the calling of a state of emergency. Since then, the world of tablaos and its flamenco artists have suffered a great impact. The long-term closure of these flamenco spaces has meant a resounding change in the economy, in the daily routine […]

Flamenco en Barcelona: el equipo Tablao de Carmen

Who is behind this beautiful flamenco establishment of Barcelona?

The team at The Tablao de Carmen: A group of professionals who are dedicated in body and soul to flamenco. Would you like to know who we are? Look at the photo and we’ll tell you! From left to right: Mimo Agüero, the director of the tablao, “la Jenny” in the red t-shirt, dancer. Standing […]

What are “Villancicos”? Spanish Christmas songs

What are “Villancicos”?

Pero mira cómo beben los peces en el río, Pero mira cómo beben por ver al Dios nacido But look how the fish drink in the river, But look how they drink for seeing the birth of God Christmas is approaching and we wish to discuss one of the most jolly, familiar and emotive musical […]

Why visit the Poble Espanyol?

The Poble Espanyol (Spanish village) could be said to be one of the first theme parks in the world, the Disneyland before Disneyworld, exceeding the North American attraction in city planning, historic and architectural rigour. In fact, Michael Eisner, the president of Walt Disney from 1984 to 2005 confirmed that the Poble Espanyol inspired the […]

Magic fountains of Montjuic

The Magic Fountain and the Poble Espanyol of Barcelona

“The two biggest achievements of the International Exhibition of 1929 were the Magic Fountain and the `Pueblo Español´ (the Spanish village). Before the start of its construction, nobody imagined that a simple fountain could be so enchanting. But to this day, the fountain maintains its capacity to stir the waters of one’s imagination. This speaks […]

What does one come to see at the Tablao de Carmen?

CARMEN’S BLOG by EVA BLANCH Many customers come to the Tablao de Carmen not having a clear idea of what it is they are going to see. They expect a show with a story, a beginning that develops to a climax and leads to an ending. They imagine that all of this will be accompanied […]

Juaneke on the Tablao de Carmen's blog

Juaneke on Carmen’s blog by Eva Blanch

This article is the beginning of a collaboration between the writer and photographer, Eva Blanch, and Mimo Agüero and the Tablao de Carmen. A blog that hopes to bring flamenco closer not only to the curious tourist or sensitive outsider, but also to those more familiar with flamenco who do not feel themselves understood. A […]