The festive season of 2020 will be very different from the rest. A strange and difficult year is coming to an end, one in which the pandemic has (and continues to) impose distance and separation and one that has affected many of us on an emotional and financial level.
This historic christian event, which flamencos experience and celebrate with a special closeness and joy in their street-side reunions with zambombas and firepits, will face unfortunate modifications. But precisely because of the situation we find ourselves in, now more than ever we must fill ourselves with the spirit of hope, love and prosperity which these holidays breed.
Different flamenco carols
At el Tablao de Carmen we are contributing to and spreading this message. We are unable to bring together a large group of artists, friends and aficionados as we usually would… Instead, adapting ourselves to what there is, we have organized and filmed a series of different flamenco carols, known as ‘zambombas,’ for you to watch and enjoy from your screens. Thanks to technology, we can stay close.
Series of virtual zambombas
With the help of collaborators and artists, we have made this wish into a reality: a series of virtual zambombas, which we have called “Las Zambombas de la Esperanza
2020.” These are a cycle of songs called “villancicos” filmed in different corners of el Tablao de Carmen (in the Patio de Carmen, in the street of el Tablao and in its stage and hall).
Each video brings together a different group of artists, all of whom joined this initiative unconditionally, and with an invaluable spirit of giving, enthusiasm and warmth. These performers, alongside their calls, songs and energy, are the best way to imbue our souls with festive spirit.
Our hope is that, after nine months of closure, we will be able to open the Tablao in the very near future; with the hope that the Zambombas of 2021 will be live and will fill the streets, patio, loft and main hall of the Tablao de Carmen.
Merry Christmas to all, from el Tablao de Carmen!
First Zambomba: Voice, Joel de la Pepa. Choir and jaleo, Enrique Santiago, Marcos del Flequillo. Dance, Aida Orozco and Francesc Amador.
Second Zamobomba: (Artistic Direction, Bartolo): Jaleo, Rosi Ugal and Rocío Merino. Guitar, “Tarrito” (Vicente Giménez)
Third Zambomba: (Artistic Direction, Bartolo): Voice, Manuel Jiménez “Bartolo”, Rosi Ugal y Rocío Merino. Guitar, Vicente Giménez “Tarrito
Fourth Zambomba: (Artistic Direction, “Big Lois” Luis Moreno, El Gordo ). Voice, Luis Moreno . Percusion, Jacobo Sánchez y “Piraña” . Guitar, Edu Cortés.
Sound: Juan García.
Cameras, editing and production: Augustin de Beaucé y Eva Blanch
Ole los villancicos:
Y en el portal de Belén, hay estrellas, sol y luna, la Virgen y San José y el niño que está
en la cuna.
Madroños al niño no le demos más, que con los madroños se va a emborrachar
Pa que no llorara, pa no llorara la Virgen María al niño cantaba
Portalito oscuro llenito de telarañas, tiene la Virgen María al niño de sus entrañas.
Los soldaditos se los llevan ya al campo del moro para pelear. La plaza de Caí la van
adornar con hilos de oro y agujas de más.
Listen to the villancicos:
And in the gate to Bethlehem, there are stars, sun and moon, the Virgin and Saint
Joseph and the boy who is in the cradle.
Let’s not give the boy more madroños, he will get drunk
So that he didn’t cry, so that he didn’t cry the Virgin Mary sang to him
Dark little doorway full of cobwebs, the Virgin Mary has her dear boy
The little soldiers are taking him already to the moor’s field to fight. They’re going to
adorn the square of Cai with golden threads and more than enough needles
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Los caminos se hicieron con agua, viento y frío, caminaba un anciano muy triste y
afligido la gloria, Gloria recién nacido Gloria.
Ha venido al mundo el Hijo de Dios y viene acompañado de un rayo de sol , ha venido
al mundo el Hijo de Dios.
Si Usted trae dinero toíta la casa es suya, pero si no lo trae, no hay posada ninguna…la
Gloria, a su bendita madre Victoria, Gloria recién nacido Gloria….
The paths became water, wind and cold, an old man walked very sadly and afflicted
glory, Glory newborn Glory.
God’s son has come to the world, and he has come accompanied by a ray of sun, God’s
son has come to the world.
If you bring money, the whole house is yours, but if you don’t, there is no room at the
inn… Glory, and it’s blessed mother Victory, Glory newborn Glory…